Presets are detailed configurations of MediaEngine to process the source video. It includes audio and video codecs and their attributes, container settings, and conversion parameters.
Any preset is a text document with a specific structure where each section has a header in square brackets. This article covers possible configurations for each of the elements. Your presets might miss some of the attributes. It is OK since MediaEngine uses a default set of settings in such cases.
The following sections of a preset are mandatory:
- [VideoEncoderSettings] - defines video encoding parameters and a type of video encoder
- [AudioEncoderSettings] - defines audio encoding parameters and a type of audio encoder
- [OutputSettings] - defines the output format configurations
- [MuxerSettings] - defines parameters of an encoding container
Each preset might contain multiple instances of container, video, and audio codec configurations. With this, you can encode a single source to multiple destinations at the same time.
An example configuration can be found in the attachment to this article.
A snippet of the configuration looks like this:
Defines the preset Information.
- DisplayName - a display name of the preset
- Comment - description of the preset
- ValidFramerates - a set of valid frame rates supported by the preset
- ValidMuxerTypes - a list of muxer (containers) supported by the preset
All of the attributes are optional.
Defines the transcoder behavior.
- MatchNumberOfSources - indicates whether the audio and video setting should be removed from the configuration (1) or not (0, which is the default value)
Defines the basic video encoding parameters. You can use multiple instances of the element with next items defined like [VideoEncoderSettings#1], [VideoEncoderSettings#2], and so on with #SourceID to indicate different video encoders.
SourceID - sets an ID of a source if several sources are used at the same time.
TrackName - sets the name of a track if this is supported by the file's container
VideoPID - sets PID for the video track if this is supported. 0 (the default value) sets PID automatically.
Codec - sets a video codec. Possible values:
- Width - sets the width of the recorded video. To match the source (no horizontal scaling) use 0.
- Height - sets the height of the recorded video. To match the source (no vertical scaling) use 0.
- Crop - sets a cropping area to keep black stripes on aspect changes in a format "CropX, CropY, CropWidth, CropHeight", for example, "0,0,720,480". For MPEG-2, CropX and CropY must be 0.
- DisplayAspect - sets display aspect ratio in <d>:<n> format, e.g 4:3, 16:9, 2.21:1 etc.
- PixelAspect - sets pixel aspect ratio in <d>:<n> format, e.g. 64:45. Not all values are valid for the MPEG-2 Video codec, please use DisplayAspect in this case.
When no pixel aspect ratio or display aspect ratio is set then values from the source are used. - Framerate - sets the frame rate in <d>:<n> format, e.g. 25:1, 30000:1001 etc. 0:0 copies the value from the source.
- VideoGrabberSamplerate - sets a grabbing frequency used for PNG/JPEG output in ms.
- Interlaced - sets the interlacing mode.
Possible values are:
- 0 - same as input,
- 1 - progressive scan (default),
- 2 - top field first,
- 3 - bottom field first
Image overlay
The following attributes belong to the [VideoEncoderSettings] and define the image overlay.
- ImageOverlayDisplayWidth - sets the image overlay display width. 0 means to use the original width. Optional attribute.
- ImageOverlayDisplayHeight - sets the image overlay display height. Optional attribute.
- ImageOverlayPixelAspect - sets the overlay image display area's pixel aspect. Optional attribute. The default value is 1:1.
- ImageOverlayArea - sets the overlay position and size in the "X,Y,Width,Height" format, for example, "1729,51,122,122"
- ImageOverlayPath - a path to the overlay image. Only RGB/RGBA PNG files are supported.
Defines the video conversion parameters.
VideoConverterID - sets an ID of the converter
StretchAndLooseAspect - sets the scale type of a video.
Possible values:-
0 - disabled (use pillar and letterboxing)
1 - enabled stretch and loss aspect
DeinterlacerMethod - sets the deinterlacing mode.
Possible values:-
0 = default,
1 = high quality,
2 = field interpolation,
3 = fast
DeinterlacerStaticLevel - sets a static level of the deinterlacer. Use -1 for auto-detect, and from 0 to 250 to manually define the value.
SourceCropArea - overrides source cropping area in the "x,y,w,h" format.
AssumeFramerate - overrides the input frame rate in <d>:<n> format
AssumePixelAspect - overrides the input pixel aspect ratio
AssumeInterlace - overrides the input interlace settings
Defines basic audio encoding parameters. You can use multiple instances of the element with next items defined like [AudioEncoderSettings#1], [AudioEncoderSettings#2], and so on with #SourceID to indicate different video encoders.
- SourceID - sets the ID of an audio source
- TrackName sets the name of the audio track
- AudioPID - sets audio PID. The default value is 0.
- Codec - sets audio codec.
Possible values:-
- MPL1
- MPL2
- MPL3
- PassThru
- Samplerate - sets the sample rate. 0 makes the engine use the source value.
- BitsPerSample - sets the audio bits per sample value. Possible values: 16 and 24. Use 0 to copy the value from the source.
- Channels - sets the number of audio channels. Use 0 to copy the source
- ChannelMap - sets an order of source channels to be processed. For example, "0,1" means that linear mapping is used for the stereo track.
- ChannelMask - sets a channel mask (similar to MPEG Audio)
- Language - sets a track language metadata following ISO-639-2 language code (e.g. 'eng','deu','fra')
Defines AAC encoding settings. To have the settings, you should have the Codec=AAC in the AudioEncoderSettings section.
- AudioCodecID - sets the codec ID.
Possible values:-
- 0 - None
- 1 - Intel IPP AAC
- RateControlMethod - rate control method.
Possible values:-
- 1 - CBR (not supported for Intel IPP)
- 3 - VBR/ABR
- Bitrate - sets a bitrate in kb/s, e.g. "160k"
Defines MPEG Layer I encoding settings. To have the settings, you should have the Codec=MPL1 in the AudioEncoderSettings section.
- AudioCodecID - sets the codec ID.
Possible values:-
- 0 - None
- 1 - Intel IPP AAC
- RateControlMethod - rate control method.
Possible values:-
- 1 - CBR (not supported for Intel IPP)
- 3 - VBR/ABR
- Bitrate - sets a bitrate in kb/s, e.g. "160k"
Defines MPEG Layer II encoding settings. To have the settings, you should have the Codec=MPL2 in the AudioEncoderSettings section.
- AudioCodecID - sets the codec ID.
Possible values:-
- 0 - None
- 1 - Intel IPP AAC
- RateControlMethod - rate control method.
Possible values:-
- 1 - CBR (not supported for Intel IPP)
- 3 - VBR/ABR
- Bitrate - sets a bitrate in kb/s, e.g. "160k"
Defines MPEG Layer III encoding settings. To have the settings, you should have the Codec=MPL3 in the AudioEncoderSettings section.
- AudioCodecID - sets the codec ID.
Possible values:-
- 0 - None
- 1 - Intel IPP AAC
- RateControlMethod - rate control method.
Possible values:-
- 1 - CBR (not supported for Intel IPP)
- 3 - VBR/ABR
- Bitrate - sets a bitrate in kb/s, e.g. "160k"
Defines parameters of HEVC (H.265) video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=HEVC for VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- VideoCodecID - 1 = Intel Quick Sync HEVC
- NumThread - number of threads to use in the encoder
- CodecProfile - sets the codec profile.
Possible values:-
- 0 - auto,
- 1 - Main,
- 2 - Main 10,
- 3 - Main Still Picture
- CodecLevel - 0 = auto, level 1.0 = 10, level 1.1 = 11,..., level 6.2 = 62
- TargetUsage - Target usage (0-7): 0 best quality, 7 best performance
- GopPicSize - GOP size
- GopRefDist - I-P-frame distance, 1 = no B-frames
- GopOptFlag - 0 = default, 1 = closed, 2 = strict
- IdrInterval - 0 = IDR frame at every I-frame, 1 = IDR frame at every 2dn I-frame etc.
- RateControlMethod - Rate Control Method
Possible values:-
- 1 - CBR (Constant Bitrate)
- 2 - VBR (Variable Bitrate)
- 3 - CQP (Constant QP (CQP) mode)
- 4 - AVBR (Average Variable Bitrate)
- 8 - LA (VBR algorithm with look ahead)
- 9 - ICQ (Intelligent Constant Quality Bitrate)
- 11 - ICQ_LA (Intelligent Constant Quality Bitrate with Lookahead)
- 13 - LA-HRD (HRD-compliant Look Ahead Rate Control Algorithm)
- 14 - QVBR (Variable Constant Quality Bitrate)
- BufferSizeInKB - 0 = calculated
- InitialDelayInKB - 0 = calculated, see also BufferSizeInKB
- TargetKbps - Target bitrate in kbits/s
- MaxKbps - Maximum bitrate, 0 = calculated
- QPI - Quantization Parameters (QP) for I frames
- QPP - Quantization Parameters (QP) for P frames
- QPB - Quantization Parameters (QP) for B frames
- Accuracy - specified in the unit of a tenth of a percent
- Convergence - specified in the unit of 100 frames
- LookAheadDepth - (10..100), 0 = default
- ICQQuality - 1..51 range, where 1 corresponds to the best quality
- QVBRQuality - [1..51] range, where 1 corresponds to the best quality
- NumSlice - number of slices, 0 = auto
- NumRefFrame - number of reference frames, 0 = not specified
- EncodedOrder - 0 = off, > 0 encoder gets encoded frames
- RateDistortionOpt - 0 = default, 16 = rate-distortion optimization is needed, 32 = off
- FramePicture - 0 = default, 16 = encode interlaced fields as interlaced frames, 32 = off
- CAVLC - 0 = default, 16 = CAVLC, 32 = CABAC is used for encoding
- RecoveryPointSEI - 0 = default, 16 = insert the recovery point SEI message (see IntRefType), 32 = off
- NalHrdConformance - 0 = default, 16 = produce HRD conformant bitstream, 32 = off
- SingleSeiNalUnit - 0 = put each SEI in its own NAL unit, 16 = put all SEI messages in the same NAL unit
- VuiVclHrdParameters - 0 = default, 16 = write VCL HRD parameters in the bitstream (VBR only), 32 = off
- RefPicListReordering - 0 = default, 16 = reference picture list reordering (reserved, must be zero)
- ResetRefList - 0 = default, 16 = reset the reference list to non-IDR I-frames of a GOP sequence, 32 = off
- RefPicMarkRep - 0 = default, 16 = write the reference picture marking repetition SEI message into the output bitstream, 32 = off
- FieldOutput - 0 = default, 16 = instruct the HEVC encoder to output bitstreams immediately after the encoder encodes a field, in the field-encoding mode, 32 = off
- MaxDecFrameBuffering - 0 = unspecified, 1..N specifies the maximum number of frames buffered in a DPB
- AUDelimiter - 0 = default, 16 = insert the Access Unit Delimiter NAL, 32 = off
- PicTimingSEI - 0 = default(on), 16 = insert the picture timing SEI with pic_struct syntax element, 32 = off
- VuiNalHrdParameters - 0 = default, 16 = insert NAL HRD parameters in the VUI header, 32 = off
- IntRefType - intra refresh type, 0 = no, 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal, 3 = slice
- IntRefCycleSize - 0..1 invalid, >= 2 specifies number of pictures within refresh cycle
- IntRefQPDelta - [-51..51] specifies QP difference for inserted intra MBs
- MaxFrameSize - specify maximum encoded frame size in byte (AVBR and VBR only)
- MaxSliceSize - specify maximum slice size in bytes other controls over number of slices are ignored
- BitrateLimit - 0 = default, 16 = turns on bitrate limitations (default), 32 = off
- MBBRC - 0 = default, 16 = enables macroblock level bitrate control that generally improves subjective visual quality, 32 = off
- Trellis - control trellis quantization.
Possible values:-
- 0 - unknown,
- 1 - off,
- combine: I - 0x02, P - 0x04, B - 0x08
- RepeatPPS - 0 = default, 16 = repeat PPS with each frame (default), 32 = off
- BRefType - 0 = default, 1 = off don't use B-frames as reference, 2 = use "B pyramid" reference structure
- AdaptiveI - controls insertion of I frames, 0 = default, 16 = allow changing of frame type from P and B to I (ignored when GopOptFlag == 2), 32 = off
- AdaptiveB - controls changing of frame type from B to P, 0 = default, 16 = allow changing, 32 = off
- LookAheadDS - look ahead downsampling.
Possible values:-
- 0 - default,
- 1 - off,
- 2 - (2x) downsample two frames before estimation,
- 3 - (4x) downsample
- NumMbPerSlice - 0 = default, > 0 specifies suggested slice size in number of macroblocks (NumSlices is ignored)
- MinQPI - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MaxQPI - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MaxQPP - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MinQPB - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MaxQPB - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- FixedFrameRate - 0 = default, 16 = sets fixed_frame_rate_flag in VUI, 32 = off
- DisableDeblockingIdc - 0 = default, 16 = disable deblocking, 32 = off
- DisableVUI - 0 = default, 16 = disables VUI in output bitstream, 32 = off
- BufferingPeriodSEI - 0 = default, 1 = BP SEI should be inserted with every I frame
- EnableMAD - 0 = default, 16 = enable per-frame reporting of Mean Absolute Difference, 32 = off
- UseRawRef - 0 = default, 16 = use raw frames for reference instead of reconstructed frames, 32 = off
- NumSliceI - number of slices for I-frames
- NumSliceP - number of slices for P-frames
- NumSliceB - number of slices for B-frames
- WinBRCMaxAvgKbps - maximum bitrate averaged over a sliding window specified by WinBRCSize
- WinBRCSize - 0 = disabled, > 0 specifies sliding window size in frames (LA, LA_HRD, VBR, QVBR)
- EnableMBQP - 0 = default, 16 = enable per-macroblock QP control (CQP), 32 = off
- IntRefCycleDist - 0 = default, distance between the beginnings of the intra-refresh cycles in frames, 0 = no distance between cycles
- DirectBiasAdjustment - 0 = default, 16 = enables the ENC mode decision algorithm to bias to fewer B Direct/Skip types, 32 = off
- GlobalMotionBiasAdjustment - 0 = default, 16 = enables global motion bias, 32 = off
- MVCostScalingFactor - MV cost scaling ratio. Only used when GlobalMotionBiasAdjustment is ON.
Possible values:-
- 0 - set MV cost to 0,
- 1 - 1/2,
- 2 - 1/4,
- 3 - 1/8
- WeightedPred - 0 = unknown, 1 = default, 2 = explicit, 3 = implicit
- WeightedBiPred - 0 = unknown, 1 = default, 2 = explicit, 3 = implicit
- AspectRatioInfoPresent - 0 = default, 16 = enables aspect ratio info in VUI, 32 = off
- OverscanInfoPresent - 0 = default, 16 = enables overscan info in VUI, 32 = off
- OverscanAppropriate - 0 = default, 16 = cropped decoded pictures output are suitable for display using overscan, 32 = off => cropped edges contain important information
- TimingInfoPresent - 0 = default, 16 = enables frame rate info in VUI, 32 = off
- BitstreamRestriction - 0 = default, 16 = enables bitstream restriction info in VUI, 32 = off
- LowDelayHrd - 0 = default, 16 = enables AVC syntax element low_delay_hrd_flag in VUI, 32 = off
- MotionVectorsOverPicBoundaries - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off => samples outside the picture boundaries are not used for inter prediction
- ScenarioInfo - Possible values:
- 0 - unknown,
- 3 - ARCHIVE,
- ContentInfo - 0 = unknown, 1 = FULL_SCREEN_VIDEO, 2 = NON_VIDEO_SCREEN
- PRefType - 0 = default, 1 = SIMPLE, 2 = PYRAMID. When GopRefDist=1, specifies the model of reference list construction and DPB management
- FadeDetection - 0 = default, 16 = enable fade detection for weight/offset calculation, 32 = off
- GPB - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = HEVC encoder will use regular P-frames instead of GPB
- MaxFrameSizeI - > 0 specify maximum I-frame size
- MaxFrameSizeP - > 0 specify maximum P-frame size
- EnableQPOffset - 0 = default, 16 = use QPOffset, 32 = off
- QPOffset - when EnableQPOffset set to ON and RateControlMethod is CQP specifies QP offset per pyramid layer. FrameQP = QPX + QPOffset[pyramid_layer]; QPX = QPB for B-pyramid, QPP for P-pyramid
- NumRefActiveP - max number of active references for P and B frames in reference picture lists 0 and 1 correspondingly. Array index is pyramid layer
- TransformSkip - 0 = default, 16 = HEVC flag transform_skip_enabled_flag will be set, 32 = off
- TargetChromaFormatPlus1 - Possible values:
- 0 - default,
- 1 - Monochrome,
- 2 - 4:2:0,
- 3 - 4:2:2,
- 4 - 4:4:4,
- 5 - 4:1:1,
- 6 = 4:1:1,
- 7 = 4:2:2V
- TargetBitDepthLuma - 0 = default, target encoding bit depth for luma samples, may differ from input one
- TargetBitDepthChroma - 0 = default, target encoding bit depth for chroma samples, may differ from input one
- BRCPanicMode - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- LowDelayBRC - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- EnableMBForceIntra - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- AdaptiveMaxFrameSize - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- RepartitionCheckEnable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- EncodedUnitsInfo - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- EnableNalUnitType - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- ColourDescriptionPresent - 0 = disabled (default), 1 = color description information enabled
- ColourPrimaries - Colour Primaries
Possible values:-
- 0 - default
- 1 - ITU-R Rec. BT.709-6
- 2 - Unknown
- 4 - ITU-R Rec. BT.470-6 System M
- 5 - ITU-R Rec. BT.601-6 625
- 6 - ITU-R Rec. BT.601-6 525
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 8 - Generic film (colour filters using Illuminant C)
- 9 - ITU-R Rec. BT 2020-2
- 10 - SMPTE ST-428-1
- 11 - SMPTE ST-431-1
- 12 - SMPTE ST-432-1
- TransferCharacteristics - Transfer Characteristics
Possible values:-
- 0 - default
- 1 - BT.709-6
- 2 - Unspecified
- 4 - BT.470-6 System M
- 5 - BT.470-6 System B G
- 6 - BT.601-6 (functionally the same as 1 14 and 15)
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 8 - Linear transfer characteristics
- 9 - Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 : 1 range)
- 10 - Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 * Sqrt(10) : 1 range)
- 11 - IEC 61966-2-4
- 12 - ITU-R Rec. BT.1361
- 14 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 (functionally the same as 1 6 and 15)
- 16 - SMPTE ST 2084
- 17 - SMPTE ST 428-1
- 18 - ITU-R BT.2100 hybrid log-gamma (HLG)
- MatrixCoefficients - Matrix Coefficients
Possible values:-
- -1 - Default
- 0 - IEC 61966-2-1
- 1 - ITU-R BT. 709-6
- 2 - Unspecified
- 4 - FCC 47 (2003) 73.682
- 5 - BT.601-6 System 625
- 6 - BT.601-6 System 525
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 9 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 non-constant luminance system
- 10 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 constant luminance system
- 11 - SMPTE ST 2085
- VideoFullRange - 0 = auto, 16 = full range, 32 legal range
Defines parameters of AVC (H.264) video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=AVC for VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- VideoCodecID - video encoder
Possible values:-
- 1 - Intel Quick Sync AVC/H.264
- 2 - nablet AVC encoder
- 3 - NVIDIA AVC Encoder
- NumThread - 0 = default, 1..N => number of threads to use in encoder
Required VideoCodecID for AVCEncoderSettings to be set to 2.
- Preset - Preset
Possible values:-
- H264_BASELINE - H.264/AVC Baseline Profile (no B-frames allowed)
- H264_CONSTRAINTED_BASELINE - similar to H264_BASELINE with constraint set 1
- H264_MAIN - H.264/AVC Main Profile
- H264_HIGH - H.264/AVC High Profile
- H264_HIGH_10 - High 10 Profile
- H264_HIGH_422 - High 4:2:2 Profile
- H264_INTRA_CLASS_50 - H.264 intra frame coding (Class 50)
- H264_INTRA_CLASS_100 - H.264 intra frame coding (Class 100)
- H264_INTRA_CLASS_200 - H.264 intra frame coding (Class 200)
- H264_INTRA_4K_422 - Panasonic AVC Intra 4K 4:2:2
- H264_INTRA_2K_422 - Panasonic AVC Intra 2K 4:2:2
- H264_INTRA_422 - Panasonic AVC Intra 4:2:2
- H264_LONG_GOP_422_CLASS_G50 - Panasonic AVC-LongG 4:2:2 Classes G50 (50 Mbps)
- H264_LONG_GOP_422_CLASS_G25 - Panasonic AVC-LongG 4:2:2 Classes G25 (25 Mbps)
- H264_LONG_GOP_420_CLASS_G12 - Panasonic AVC-LongG 4:2:0 Classes G12 (12 Mbps)
- H264_LONG_GOP_420_CLASS_G6 - Panasonic AVC-LongG 4:2:0 Classes G6 (6 Mbps)
- H264_INTRA_CLASS_50_RP2027 - RP2027 H.264 intra frame coding (Class 50)
- H264_INTRA_CLASS_100_RP2027 - RP2027 H.264 intra frame coding (Class 100)
- H264_INTRA_CLASS_200_RP2027 - RP2027 H.264 intra frame coding (Class 200)
- H264_XAVC_4K_420 - SONY XAVC Long GOP 4K 4:2:0 Profile for M4 and XD Style
- H264_XAVC_HD_420_M4 - SONY XAVC Long GOP HD 4:2:0 Profile for M4 Style
- H264_XAVC_HD_422_XD - SONY XAVC Long GOP HD 4:2:2 10 bit Profile for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_4K_422_XD - SONY XAVC Long GOP 4K 4:2:2 10 bit Profile for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_HD_INTRA_VBR - SONY XAVC HD Intra VBR Profile for M4 Style
- H264_XAVC_HD_INTRA_CLASS_50_CBG - SONY XAVC HD Intra CBG Profile Class 50 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_HD_INTRA_CLASS_100_CBG - SONY XAVC HD Intra CBG Profile Class 100 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_HD_INTRA_CLASS_200_CBG - SONY XAVC HD Intra CBG Profile Class 200 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_4K_INTRA_CLASS_100_CBG - SONY XAVC 4K Intra CBG Class 100 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_4K_INTRA_CLASS_300_CBG - SONY XAVC 4K Intra CBG Class 300 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_4K_INTRA_CLASS_480_CBG - SONY XAVC 4K Intra CBG Class 480 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_4K_INTRA_CLASS_100_VBR - SONY XAVC 4K Intra VBR Class 100 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_4K_INTRA_CLASS_300_VBR - SONY XAVC 4K Intra VBR Class 300 for XD Style
- H264_XAVC_4K_INTRA_CLASS_480_VBR - SONY XAVC 4K Intra VBR Class 480 for XD Style
- TargetKbps - Target bitrate in kbits/s
- MaxKbps - 0 = calculated, N = maximum bitrate for VBR rate control mode
- GopPicSize - 0 = default, range 1..300 maximum GOP size
- PerformanceLevel - 0 = default, 1 = maximum performance, ..., 16 = maximum quality
- CodecProfile - 0 = auto, baseline = 66, main = 77, extended = 88, high = 100 ,Hi10P = 110, Hi422P = 122
- CodecLevel - 0 = auto, 1.0 = 10, 1.1 = 11, ..., 5.1 = 51
- BitDepthLuma - 0 = default, 8 or 10
- BitDepthChroma - 0 = default, 8 or 10
- ChromaFormat - 0 = default, 1 = 4:0:0, 2 = 4:2:0, 3 = 4:2:2
- IDRPeriod - 1 = default, 0 means only first frame is IDR, 1 means every I-frame is IDR, etc
- GopRefDist - 0 = default, range 1..8 distance between I- or P-frames
- FixedIDRPeriod - 0 = default, 16 = Constant I frame offset, 32 = off
- EnableBSlices - 0 = default, 16 = use B slices, 32 = off
- GOPFlags - 0 = default, 1 = Use adaptive B-frames, 2 = Use isolated GOPs
- BReferenceSlices - 0 = default, 16 = Allow b slices as reference, 32 = off
- BHierarchicalCoding - 0 = default, 16 = Hierarchical GOP structure, 32 = off
- LeadingBFrames - 0 = default, 1..N number of leading B-frames
- CAVLC - 0 = default, 16 = CAVLC is used for encoding, 32 = CABAC is used for encoding
- EnableMBAFF - 0 = default, 16 = MBAFF is used for interlace coding, 32 = PicAFF
- NumRefFrame - 1..N sets number of reference frames
- MESearchRange - 1..N motion vector range in pixels
- RateControlMethod - 0 = default, 1 = CBR, 3 = VBR, IOO = 5, TQM = 6
- MBRateControlComplexity - 0 = disabled, [-100..100] adaptive macroblock rate control
- BitrateBufferSize - 0 = calculated, Bitrate buffer in bytes
- NalHRD - 0 = default, 16 = enable HRD model, 32 = off
- EnableDeblockingFilter - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- DeblockingAlphaC0Offset - uses when EnableDeblockingFilter=1, range is [-6..+6]
- DeblockingBetaOffset - uses when EnableDeblockingFilter=1, range is [-6..+6]
- SceneDetection - 0 = default, 16 = enable scene detection 32 = off
- SliceCount - Number of slices per picture
- SliceMaxSize - Maximum slice size in bits, 0 does mean no limit
- MBMode - 0 = default, 16 = frame mbs mode on, 32 = off (deprecated, ignored)
- Intra16x16Enable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- Intra8x8Enable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- Intra4x4Enable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- Inter16x16Enable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- Inter8x8Enable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- Inter4x4Enable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- CalculateStatistics - 0 = off, 1 = calculate statistics like PSNR, FPS etc, slows down the performance (debug output)
- VideoStandard - 0 = unknown/auto detect, 1 = NTSC, 2 = PAL
- CPUMode - 0 = auto, 1 = no optimization, 5 = SSE2, 6 = SSE3, 7 = SSE4 (4.1 and 4.2), 8 = AVX
- IFrameSizeLimit - maximum size for I-frame in bytes
- PFrameSizeLimit - maximum size for P-frame in byte
- BRefFrameSizeLimit - maximum size for B-frame used as reference in bytes
- BFrameSizeLimit - maximum size for B-frame in bytes
- WriteSingleSEIPerNalu - 0 = default, 16 = write SEI message into own NALU
- WriteSPS - 0 = default, 16 = SPS once I-frame, 32 = once at every IDR frame
- WritePPS - 0 = default, 16 = PPS once I-frame, 32 = once at every IDR frame
- WriteFlags - 0 = default, 1 = write access delimiter, 2 = write sequence end code
- WritePicTimingSEI - 0 = default, 16 = writes pic_timing SEI message, 32 = off
- SeqScalingMatrixFlag - 0 = default, 16 = enable scaling matrix, 32 = off
- ColourPrimaries - Color Primaries
Possible values:-
- 0 - default
- 1 - ITU-R Rec. BT.709-6
- 2 - Unknown
- 4 - ITU-R Rec. BT.470-6 System M
- 5 - ITU-R Rec. BT.601-6 625
- 6 - ITU-R Rec. BT.601-6 525
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 8 - Generic film (color filters using Illuminant C)
- 9 - ITU-R Rec. BT 2020-2
- 10 - SMPTE ST-428-1
- 11 - SMPTE ST-431-1
- 12 - SMPTE ST-432-1
- TransferCharacteristics - Transfer Characteristics
Possible values:-
- 0 - default
- 1 - BT.709-6
- 2 - Unspecified
- 4 - BT.470-6 System M
- 5 - BT.470-6 System B G
- 6 - BT.601-6 (functionally the same as 1 14 and 15)
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 8 - Linear transfer characteristics
- 9 - Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 : 1 range)
- 10 - Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 * Sqrt(10) : 1 range)
- 11 - IEC 61966-2-4
- 12 - ITU-R Rec. BT.1361
- 14 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 (functionally the same as 1 6 and 15)
- 16 - SMPTE ST 2084
- 17 - SMPTE ST 428-1
- 18 - ITU-R BT.2100 hybrid log-gamma (HLG)
- MatrixCoefficients - Matrix Coefficients
Possible values:-
- -1 - Default
- 0 - IEC 61966-2-1
- 1 - ITU-R BT. 709-6
- 2 - Unspecified
- 4 - FCC 47 (2003) 73.682
- 5 - BT.601-6 System 625
- 6 - BT.601-6 System 525
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 9 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 non-constant luminance system
- 10 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 constant luminance system
- 11 - SMPTE ST 2085
- VideoSignalTypePresentFlag - 0 = default, 16 = enables video signal type in VUI, 32 = off
- FixedIFrameSize - fixed I-frame size in bytes
- FixedPFrameSize - fixed P-frame size in bytes
- FixedBRefFrameSize - fixed B-reference frame size in bytes
- FixedBFrameSize - fixed B-frame size in bytes
- VideoFullRangeFlag - 0 = default, 16 = full range enabled, 32 = legal range
- QuantI - 0 = default, 1..51 quantization parameter for I-slices
- QuantP - 0 = default, 1..51 quantization parameter for P-slices
- QuantB - 0 = default, 1..51 quantization parameter for B-slices
- BitRateScale - 0 = default, 1..15 bit_rate_scale (avoids recalculation of bitrate)
- CpbSizeScale - 0 = default, 1..15 cpb_size_scale (avoids recalculation of bitrate)
- Log2MaxFrameNumMinus4 - 0 = default, 1..12 allows to specify a custom log2_max_frame_num_minus4 value
Required VideoCodecID for AVCEncoderSettings to be set to 3.
- Preset - 0 = default, 1..7 (1 = highest performance, 7 = lowest performance)
- TuningInfo - Tuning configuration.
Possible values:-
- 0 - default,
- 1 - high quality,
- 2 - low latency,
- 3 - ultra low latency,
- 4 - lossless
- CodecProfile - Codec Profile
Possible values:-
- 0 - Auto
- 1 - Baseline
- 2 - Main
- 3 - High
- 4 - High444
- 5 - Progressive High
- 6 - Constrained High
- CodecLevel - 0 = auto, 1.0=10, 1.1=11, ..., 5.1=51
- TargetKbps - Avg.Bitrate in kbits/s
- MaxKbps - Maximum bitrate, 0 = calculated
- GopPicSize - GOP size, -1 for infinite GOP length
- GopRefDist - I-P-frame distance, 1 = no B-frames
- RateControlMethod - Rate Control Method
Possible values:-
- 1 - CBR
- 2 - VBR
- 3 - CQP
- InitialDelayInKB - 0 = calculated
- BufferSizeInKB - 0 = calculated
- RateControlMethod - 2 = VBR
- RateControlMethod - 3 = CQP (default)
- QPI - 0 = default, Quantization Parameters (QP) for I frames
- QPP - 0 = default, Quantization Parameters (QP) for P frames
- QPB - 0 = default, Quantization Parameters (QP) for B frames
- TargetQualityLevel - Target CQ level for VBR mode (range 0-51 with 0-automatic)
- MinQPI - 0 = default, minimum allowed QP [1..51] for I-frames
- MinQPP - 0 = default, minimum allowed QP [1..51] for P-frames
- MinQPB - 0 = default, minimum allowed QP [1..51] for B-frames
- MaxQPI - 0 = default, maximum allowed QP [1..51] for I-frames
- MaxQPP - 0 = default, maximum allowed QP [1..51] for P-frames
- MaxQPB - 0 = default, maximum allowed QP [1..51] for B-frames
Required VideoCodecID for AVCEncoderSettings to be set to 1.
- CodecProfile - 0 = auto, baseline = 66, main = 77, extended = 88, high = 100
- CodecLevel - 0 = auto, 1.0=10, 1.1=11, ..., 5.1=51
- TargetUsage - Target usage (0-7): 0 best quality, 7 best performance
- TargetKbps - Bitrate in kbits/s
- MaxKbps - Maximum bitrate, 0 = calculated
- GopPicSize - GOP size
- GopRefDist - I-P-frame distance, 1 = no B-frames
- GopOptFlag - 0 = default, 1 = closed, 2 = strict
- IdrInterval - 0 = IDR frame at every I-frame, 1 = IDR frame at every 2dn I-frame etc.
- RateControlMethod - Rate control method
Possible values:-
- 1 - CBR (Constant Bitrate)
- 2 - VBR (Variable Bitrate)
- 3 - CQP (Constant QP (CQP) mode)
- 4 - AVBR (Average Variable Bitrate)
- 8 - LA (VBR algorithm with look ahead)
- 9 - ICQ (Intelligent Constant Quality Bitrate)
- 11 - ICQ_LA (Intelligent Constant Quality Bitrate with Lookahead)
- 13 - LA-HRD (HRD compliant Look Ahead Rate Control Algorithm)
- 14 - QVBR (Variable Constant Quality Bitrate)
- BufferSizeInKB - 0 = calculated
- InitialDelayInKB - 0 = calculated, see also BufferSizeInKB
- QPI - Quantization Parameters (QP) for I frames
- QPP - Quantization Parameters (QP) for P frames
- QPB - Quantization Parameters (QP) for B frames
- Accuracy - specified in the unit of tenth of percent
- Convergence - specified in the unit of 100 frames
- LookAheadDepth - (10..100), 0 = default
- ICQQuality - 1..51 range, where 1 corresponds the best quality
- QVBRQuality - [1..51] range, where 1 corresponds the best quality
- NumSlice - 0 = auto
- NumRefFrame - 0 = not specified
- EncodedOrder - 0 = off, > 0 encoder gets encoded frames
- RateDistortionOpt - 0 = default, 16 = rate distortion optimization is needed, 32 = off
- EndOfSequence - (deprecated)
- FramePicture - 0 = default, 16 = encode interlaced fields as interlaced frames, 32 = off
- CAVLC - 0 = default, 16 = CAVLC, 32 = CABAC is used for encoding
- RecoveryPointSEI - 0 = default, 16 = insert the recovery point SEI message (see IntRefType), 32 = off
- NalHrdConformance - 0 = default, 16 = produce HRD conformant bitstream, 32 = off
- SingleSeiNalUnit - 0 = put each SEI in its own NAL unit, 16 = put all SEI messages in the same NAL unit
- VuiVclHrdParameters - 0 = default, 16 = write VCL HRD parameters in bitstream (VBR only), 32 = off
- RefPicListReordering - 0 = default, 16 = reference picture list reordering (reserved, must be zero)
- ResetRefList - 0 = default, 16 = reset the reference list to non-IDR I-frames of a GOP sequence, 32 = off
- RefPicMarkRep - 0 = default, 16 = write the reference picture marking repetition SEI message into the output bitstream, 32 = off
- FieldOutput - 0 = default, 16 = instruct the AVC encoder to output bitstreams immediately after the encoder encodes a field, in the field-encoding mode, 32 = off
- MaxDecFrameBuffering - 0 = unspecified, 1..N specifies the maximum number of frames buffered in a DPB
- AUDelimiter - 0 = default, 16 = insert the Access Unit Delimiter NAL, 32 = off
- EndOfStream - (deprecated)
- PicTimingSEI - 0 = default(on), 16 = insert the picture timing SEI with pic_struct syntax element, 32 = off
- VuiNalHrdParameters - 0 = default, 16 = insert NAL HRD parameters in the VUI header, 32 = off
- IntRefType - intra refresh type, 0 = no, 1 = vertical, 2 = horizontal, 3 = slice
- IntRefCycleSize - 0..1 invalid, >= 2 specifies number of pictures within refresh cycle
- IntRefQPDelta - [-51..51] specifies QP difference for inserted intra MBs
- MaxFrameSize - specify maximum encoded frame size in byte (AVBR and VBR only)
- MaxSliceSize - specify maximum slice size in bytes other controls over number of slices are ignored
- BitrateLimit - 0 = default, 16 = turns on bitrate limitations (default), 32 = off
- MBBRC - 0 = default, 16 = enables macroblock level bitrate control that generally improves subjective visual quality, 32 = off
- ExtBRC - (deprecated)
- Trellis - control trellis quantization , 0 = unknown, 1 = off, combine: I = 0x02, P = 0x04, B = 0x08
- RepeatPPS - 0 = default, 16 = repeat PPS with each frame (default), 32 = off
- BRefType - 0 = default, 1 = off don't use B-frames as reference, 2 = use "B pyramid" reference structure
- AdaptiveI - controls insertion of I frames, 0 = default, 16 = allow changing of frame type from P and B to I (ignored when GopOptFlag == 2), 32 = off
- AdaptiveB - controls changing of frame type from B to P, 0 = default, 16 = allow changing, 32 = off
- LookAheadDS - look ahead downsampling 0 = default, 1 = off, 2 = (2x) downsample two frames before estimation, 3 = (4x)
- NumMbPerSlice - 0 = default, > 0 specifies suggested slice size in number of macroblocks (NumSlices is ignored)
- MinQPI - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MaxQPI - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MaxQPP - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MinQPB - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- MaxQPB - 0 = default, Minimum and maximum allowed QP [1..51]
- FixedFrameRate - 0 = default, 16 = sets fixed_frame_rate_flag in VUI, 32 = off
- DisableDeblockingIdc - 0 = default, 16 = disable deblocking, 32 = off
- DisableVUI - 0 = default, 16 = disables VUI in output bitstream, 32 = off
- BufferingPeriodSEI - 0 = default, 1 = BP SEI should be inserted with every I frame
- EnableMAD - 0 = default, 16 = enable per-frame reporting of Mean Absolute Difference, 32 = off
- UseRawRef - 0 = default, 16 = use raw frames for reference instead of reconstructed frames, 32 = off
- NumSliceI - number of slices for I-frames
- NumSliceP - number of slices for P-frames
- NumSliceB - number of slices for B-frames
- WinBRCMaxAvgKbps - maximum bitrate averaged over a sliding window specified by WinBRCSize
- WinBRCSize - 0 = disabled, > 0 specifies sliding window size in frames (LA, LA_HRD, VBR, QVBR)
- QVBRQuality - 0 = default, specifies quality factor (QVBR) [1..51], 1 = best quality
- EnableMBQP - 0 = default, 16 = enable per-macroblock QP control (CQP), 32 = off
- IntRefCycleDist - 0 = default, distance between the beginnings of the intra-refresh cycles in frames, 0 = no distance between cycles
- DirectBiasAdjustment - 0 = default, 16 = enables the ENC mode decision algorithm to bias to fewer B Direct/Skip types, 32 = off
- GlobalMotionBiasAdjustment - 0 = default, 16 = enables global motion bias, 32 = off
- MVCostScalingFactor - MV cost scaling ratio. Only used when GlobalMotionBiasAdjustment is ON. 0= set MV cost to 0, 1= 1/2, 2= 1/4, 3= 1/8
- WeightedPred - 0 = unknown, 1 = default, 2 = explicit, 3 = implicit
- WeightedBiPred - 0 = unknown, 1 = default, 2 = explicit, 3 = implicit
- AspectRatioInfoPresent - 0 = default, 16 = enables aspect ratio info in VUI, 32 = off
- OverscanInfoPresent - 0 = default, 16 = enables overscan info in VUI, 32 = off
- OverscanAppropriate - 0 = default, 16 = cropped decoded pictures output are suitable for display using overscan, 32 = off => cropped edges contain important information
- TimingInfoPresent - 0 = default, 16 = enables frame rate info in VUI, 32 = off
- BitstreamRestriction - 0 = default, 16 = enables bitstream restriction info in VUI, 32 = off
- LowDelayHrd - 0 = default, 16 = enables AVC syntax element low_delay_hrd_flag in VUI, 32 = off
- MotionVectorsOverPicBoundaries - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off => samples outside the picture boundaries are not used for inter prediction
- ContentInfo - 0 = unknown, 1 = FULL_SCREEN_VIDEO, 2 = NON_VIDEO_SCREEN
- PRefType - 0 = default, 1 = SIMPLE, 2 = PYRAMID. When GopRefDist=1, specifies the model of reference list construction and DPB management
- FadeDetection - 0 = default, 16 = enable fade detection for weight/offset calculation, 32 = off
- MaxFrameSizeI - > 0 specify maximum I-frame size
- MaxFrameSizeP - > 0 specify maximum P-frame size
- EnableQPOffset - 0 = default, 16 = use QPOffset, 32 = off
- QPOffset - when EnableQPOffset set to ON and RateControlMethod is CQP specifies QP offset per pyramid layer. FrameQP = QPX + QPOffset[pyramid_layer]; QPX = QPB for B-pyramid, QPP for P-pyramid
- NumRefActiveP - max number of active references for P and B frames in reference picture lists 0 and 1 correspondingly. Array index is pyramid layer
- TargetChromaFormatPlus1 - 0 = default, 1 = Monochrome, 2 = 4:2:0, 3 = 4:2:2, 4 = 4:4:4, 5 = 4:1:1, 6 = 4:1:1, 6 = 4:2:2V
- TargetBitDepthLuma - 0 = default, target encoding bit depth for luma samples, may differ from input one
- TargetBitDepthChroma - 0 = default, target encoding bit depth for chroma samples, may differ from input one
- BRCPanicMode - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- LowDelayBRC - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- EnableMBForceIntra - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- AdaptiveMaxFrameSize - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- RepartitionCheckEnable - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- EncodedUnitsInfo - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- EnableNalUnitType - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- ColourDescriptionPresent - 0 = disabled (default), 1 = color description information enabled
- ColourPrimaries - Color Primaries
Possible values:-
- 0 - default
- 1 - ITU-R Rec. BT.709-6
- 2 - Unknown
- 4 - ITU-R Rec. BT.470-6 System M
- 5 - ITU-R Rec. BT.601-6 625
- 6 - ITU-R Rec. BT.601-6 525
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 8 - Generic film (colour filters using Illuminant C)
- 9 - ITU-R Rec. BT 2020-2
- 10 - SMPTE ST-428-1
- 11 - SMPTE ST-431-1
- 12 - SMPTE ST-432-1
- TransferCharacteristics - Transfer Characteristics
Possible values:-
- 0 - default
- 1 - BT.709-6
- 2 - Unspecified
- 4 - BT.470-6 System M
- 5 - BT.470-6 System B G
- 6 - BT.601-6 (functionally the same as 1 14 and 15)
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 8 - Linear transfer characteristics
- 9 - Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 : 1 range)
- 10 - Logarithmic transfer characteristic (100 * Sqrt(10) : 1 range)
- 11 - IEC 61966-2-4
- 12 - ITU-R Rec. BT.1361
- 14 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 (functionally the same as 1 6 and 15)
- 16 - SMPTE ST 2084
- 17 - SMPTE ST 428-1
- 18 - ITU-R BT.2100 hybrid log-gamma (HLG)
- MatrixCoefficients - Matrix Coefficients
Possible values:-
- -1 - Default
- 0 - IEC 61966-2-1
- 1 - ITU-R BT. 709-6
- 2 - Unspecified
- 4 - FCC 47 (2003) 73.682
- 5 - BT.601-6 System 625
- 6 - BT.601-6 System 525
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- 9 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 non-constant luminance system
- 10 - ITU-R Rec. BT.2020-2 constant luminance system
- 11 - SMPTE ST 2085
- VideoFullRange - 0 = auto, 16 = full range, 32 legal range
Defines parameters of MPEG-2 video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=HEVC for VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- VideoCodecID - Encoder
Possible values:-
- 1 - Intel Quick Sync MPEG-2
- 2 - nablet MPEG-2 encoder
- NumThread - 0 = default, 1..N => number of threads to use in encoder
Requires VideoCodecID for MP2EncoderSettings to be set to 1
- CodecProfile - 0 = auto, simple = 80, main = 64, high = 16
- CodecLevel - 0 = auto, low = 10, main = 8, high = 4, high1440 = 6
- TargetUsage - Target usage (0-7): 0 best quality, 7 best performance
- TargetKbps - Bitrate in kbits/s
- MaxKbps - Maximum bitrate, 0 = calculated
- GopPicSize - GOP size
- GopRefDist - I-P-frame distance, 1 = no B-frames
- GopOptFlag - 0 = default, 1 = closed, 2 = strict
- SeqHdrInterval - n = SeqHdr frame at every Nth I-frame, 0 = only at beginning of the stream (default)
- RateControlMethod - 1 = CBR
- BufferSizeInKB - 0 = calculated
- InitialDelayInKB - 0 = calculated, see also BufferSizeInKB
- RateControlMethod - 2 = VBR
- InitialDelayInKB - 0 = calculated
- BufferSizeInKB - 0 = calculated
- RateControlMethod - 3 = CQP
- QPI - Quantization Parameters (QP) for I frames
- QPP - Quantization Parameters (QP) for P frames
- QPB - Quantization Parameters (QP) for B frames
- NumSlice - 0 = auto
- NumRefFrame - 0 = not specified
- EncodedOrder - 0 = off, > 0 encoder gets encoded frames
Requires VideoCodecID for MP2EncoderSettings to bet set to 2
- VideoType - Video Type
Possible values:-
- MPEG1 - generic ISO/IEC 11172-1/2
- VCD - MPEG-1 VideoCD
- MPEG2 - generic ISO/IEC 13818-1/2
- SVCD - MPEG-2 SuperVCD
- DVD - MPEG-2 DVD-Video
- TS - generic MPEG-2 transport stream PAT and PMT only
- PVA - PVA stream type strictly for decoding (do not use for encoding)
- NONE - indicates no muxing
- ATSC - MPEG-2 ATSC Terrestrial
- ATSCHI - MPEG-2 ATSC Terrestrial (high data rate)
- DVD_MPEG1 - MPEG-1 DVD-Video
- DVD_PVR - MPEG-2 DVD+VR not yet implemented!
- DVD_PVR_MPEG1 - MPEG-1 DVD+VR not yet implemented!
- D10_25 - D-10 MPEG-2 4:2:2P @ ML (25 MBit)
- D10_30 - D-10 MPEG-2 4:2:2P @ ML (30 MBit)
- D10_40 - D-10 MPEG-2 4:2:2P @ ML (40 MBit)
- D10_50 - D-10 MPEG-2 4:2:2P @ ML (50 MBit)
- CABLELABS - CableLabs MPEG-2 MP @ ML (3.18MBit) or MP @ HL (18.1MBit)
- BD - Blu Ray Disc
- BD_HDMV - Blu Ray Disc (Main Video)
- XDCAM_IMX_30 - XDCAM IMX MPEG-2 4:2:2P @ ML (30 MBit)
- XDCAM_IMX_40 - XDCAM IMX MPEG-2 4:2:2P @ ML (40 MBit)
- XDCAM_IMX_50 - XDCAM IMX MPEG-2 4:2:2P @ ML (50 MBit)
- XDCAM_1080_CBR_25 - XDCAM HD MP@H-14 4:2:0 1440x1080 (25 Mbit CBR)
- XDCAM_1080_VBR_17_5 - XDCAM HD MP@HL 4:2:0 1440x1080 (17.5 Mbit VBR)
- XDCAM_1080_VBR_35 - XDCAM HD MP@HL 4:2:0 1440x1080 (35 Mbit VBR)
- XDCAM_540_CBR_12_5 - XDCAM HD MP@H-14 4:2:0 1440x540 (12.5 Mbit CBR)
- XDCAM_540_VBR_8_75 - XDCAM HD MP@HL 4:2:0 1440x540 (8.75 Mbit VBR)
- XDCAM_540_VBR_17_5 - XDCAM HD MP@HL 4:2:0 1440x540 (17.5 Mbit VBR)
- XDCAM_HD_420_1280 - XDCAM HD MP@HL 4:2:0 1280x720 (35 Mbit VBR)
- XDCAM_HD_422_1920 - XDCAM HD 422P@HL 4:2:2 1920x1080 (50 Mbit CBR)
- XDCAM_HD_422_1280 - XDCAM HD 422P@HL 4:2:2 1280x720 (50 Mbit CBR)
- XDCAM_EX_1920 - XDCAM EX MP@HL 4:2:0 1920x1080 (35 Mbit VBR)
- XDCAM_EX_1440 - XDCAM EX MP@H-14 4:2:0 1440x1080 (25 Mbit CBR)
- XDCAM_EX_1280 - XDCAM EX MP@HL 4:2:0 1280x720 (35 Mbit VBR)
- AVCHD - AVCHD muxer and PCM encoder type only!
- 1SEG - SegOne profile
- XDCAM_HD_422_1920_540 - XDCAM HD 422P@HL 4:2:2 1920x540 (25 Mbit CBR) used for slow motion
- ATT - AT&T specs based on the generic ISO 13818-1 TS
- CABLELABS_HD1 - CableLabs MPEG-2 MP @ HL 1280x720 (15MBit)
- CABLELABS_HD2 - CableLabs MPEG-2 MP @ HL 1920x1080 (15MBit)
- ATSC_C - MPEG-2 ATSC Cable
- DTV - Networked Digital Television
- VideoStandard - 0 = unknown/auto detect, 1 = NTSC, 2 = PAL
- PerformanceMode - 0 = offline, 1 = online, 2 = motion area
- PerformanceLevel - 0 = default, Performance level 1..32 (Performance vs Quality)
- CodecProfile - 0 = auto, simple = 1, main = 2, high = 5, 4:2:2 = 6
- CodecLevel - 0 = auto, low = 1, main = 2, high1440 = 3, high = 4
- PulldownFlag - 0 = default
- ConstrainedParametersFlag - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off
- MinimumKbps - 0 = default, N = minimum bitrate in kbits/s (VBR)
- AverageKbps - 0 = default, N = average bitrate in kbits/s (VBR)
- MaxKbps - 0 = default, N = maximum bitrate in kbits/s (VBR)
- TargetKbps - 0 = default, N = target bitrate in kbits/s (CBR)
- GopPicSize - 0 = default, range 1..128 maximum GOP size
- GopRefDist - 0 = default, range 1..8 distance between I- or P-frames
- GopOptFlag - 0 = default, 16 = enable closed GOP, 32 = disable closed GOP
- ClosedGOPInterval - 0 = default, n > 1 => set closed GOP every n-th frame
- DropFrameTCFlag - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off => use drop-frame timecode for 29.97 FPS
- FirstTimecode - 0..5399999 => set first timecode in frame units
- IgnoreFrameInterval - 0 = don't ignore any frames, > 0 ignore every N-th frame
- FeatureFlags - one or more of the flags below (use a hex/decimal value):
- FeatureAutoGOPFAST (0x00000010)
- FeatureAutoGOPVCSD (0x00000020)
- FeatureAutoGOPSCD (0x00000800)
- FeatureAutoGOPIRef (0x00002000)
- FeatureAutoGOPStruct (0x00004000)
- FeatureAutoGOPMask (0x00006830)
- FeatureAllGOPSShort (0x00000040)
- FeatureFirstGOPNoShort (0x00000080)
- FeatureNRWholeStream (0x00000100)
- FeatureNonClampedCC (0x00000200)
- FeaturePipeline_LBR (0x00008000)
- FeaturePipelineCheck (0x00040000)
- FeatureForceVOBUV (0x00010000)
- FeatureMTOff (0x00020000)
- FeatureRemoveBlackLines (0x00080000)
- FeatureFixedFrameSize (0x01000000)
- FeatureSMPTE328M (0x02000000)
- FeatureUseFieldEncoding (0x04000000)
- FeatureUsePAFF (0x08000000)
- FeatureUseSpecialCBR (0x10000000)
- MinN - Minimum GOP length 1..N, used together with FeatureAutoGOP
- MQuantLimit - max. macroblock quant. value for (C,I,P,B)
- MQuantValue - macroblock quant. value for (C,I,P,B)
- BufferSizeIn2KB - 0 = calculated, VBV Buffer Size in 2K (2048 bytes/16 Kbps) units
- ChromaFormat - 0 = default, 1 = 4:2:0, 2 = 4:2:2
- MotionSearchType - 0 = default, 1 = half-pel, 0x80 = realtime
- MotionDataFlag - 0 = default, 16 = use motion data, 32 = don't use motion data
- MotionData - forward/backward vector/search ranges (8 vectors)
- LookAheadFlag - 0 = default, 16 = enable look ahead, 32 = disable look ahead
- LookAhead - 0...N length of look ahead queue to analyze the stream before reordering
- ColorPrimaries - Possible values:
- 0 - default,
- 1 - BT.709,
- 2 - unspecified,
- 4 - BT.470 SysM,
- 5 - EBU Tech. 3213,
- 6 - SMPTE 170M,
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- TransferCharacteristics - Possible values:
- 0 - default,
- 1 - BT.709,
- 2 - unspecified,
- 4 - BT.470 SysM,
- 5 - EBU Tech. 3213,
- 6 - SMPTE 170M,
- 7 - SMPTE 240M,
- 8 - Linear
- MatrixCoefficients - Possible values:
- 0 - default,
- 1 - BT.709,
- 2 - unspecified,
- 4 - FCC,
- 5 - EBU Tech. 3213,
- 6 - SMPTE 170M,
- 7 - SMPTE 240M
- WriteSDE - 0 = default, 16 = write sequence display extension, 32 = off
- UserIQuant - 0 = default, user def. intra quant. matrices => 1 = use luma quantization, 2 = use chroma quantization
- UserNIQuant - 0 = default, user def. inter quant. matrices => 1 = use luma quantization, 2 = use chroma quantization
- PreFiltering - 0 = disabled, filter hi-freq to reduce the bandwidth suitable values 1..15
- DCPrecision - 0 = default, 8..11 precision in bits, DC coefficient precision for intra coded blocks
- FramePredDCTTab - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off, frame prediction and DCT vector
- ConcealTab - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off, use concealment motion vectors (I,P,B)
- QScalelTab - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off, inear/non-linear quantizaton table
- IntraVLCTab - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off, intra VLC format (I,P,B,current)
- VAltScanTab - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off, alternate scan (I,P,B,current)
- RateControlMethod - 0 = default, 1 = CBR, 2 = CQT, 3 = VBR, 4 = SVBR
- RateControlFlags - control usage flags (one or multiple).
Possible values:-
- 0 - default,
- InitialVBVPercent - 0..100, initial VBV-fullness in %, or (0x80000000 | vbv_fullness_in_bits)
- PadFramePercent - 0..100, padding amount in % for variable bitrate mode to reach a minimum data rate
- FixedVBVDelay - 0 = default, 16 = on, 32 = off, not for CBR
- IntraQ - luma quantization table for intra blocks (<= 64 values)
- InterQ - luma quantization table for non-intra blocks (<= 64 values)
- ChromaIntraQ - chroma quantization table for intra blocks (<= 64 values)
- ChromaInterQ - chroma quantization table for non-intra blocks (<= 64 values)
- FrameAlignementPowerTwo - (0..10) alignment of frame, 0 = none, 1:2, 2:4, 3:8, 4:16, 5:32, 6:64 ... 10:1024
- EmbedSVCDUserBlocks - 1 = put blank SVCD scan offset blocks in the video stream, 0 = off
- QTNoiseSensitivity - (0..31), 0 = auto, controls ratio between intra and inter blocks
- WritePDE - 0 = default, 16 = write picture display extension, 32 = off
- FrameCentreHorizontalOffset - 0 = default, range -32768..32767
- FrameCentreVerticalOffset - 0 = default, range -32768..32767
- WriteSH - 0 = default, 16 = write sequence header, 32 = don't write seq. hdr
- WriteSec - 0 = default, 16 = write sequence end code, 32 = don't write seq. end code
Defines parameters of DNxHD video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=DNXfor VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- VideoCodecID - 1 = Avid DNxHD encoder
- NumThread - 0 = default, 1..N => number of threads to use in encoder
- ColorVolume - Color Volume
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - Rec.709/RGB
- 2 - Rec.2020
- 3 - Rec.2020 C
- 4 - out-of-band
- ColorFormat - Color Format
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - YCbCr
- 2 - RGB
- SubSampling - SubSampling
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - 4:2:0
- 2 - 4:2:2
- 3 - 4:4:4
- BitDepth - 0 = default, 8-, 10- or 12-bit are allowed (RI-only)
- AlphaPresent - Alpha Support
Possible values:-
- 1 - Enabled
- 0 - No Alpha
- LosslessAlpha - Lossless Alpha
Possible values:-
- 0 - Lossy Alpha
- 1 - Lossless Alpha
- CRCPresent - CRC Present
Possible values:-
- 1 - Enabled
- 0 - Disabled
- VBR - Rate control
Possible values:-
- 0 - CBR
- 1 - VBR
- Quality - Quality type
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - LB
- 2 - SQ
- 3 - HQ
- 4 - HQX
- 5 - 4:4:4
Defines parameters of HLS streaming.
- HLSInitTime - 0 = default, set the initial target segment length in seconds
- HLSTime - 2 = default, set the target segment length in seconds
- HLSListSize - 5 = default, set the maximum number of playlist entries
- HLSDeleteThreshold - 1 = default, set the number of unreferenced segments to keep on disk before hls_flags delete_segments deletes them
- HLSTSOptions - set output format options using a separated list of key=value parameters, values containing: special characters must be escaped
- HLSMOVFlags - set output format flags for MOV/MP4 muxer using separated by the '+' character
- HLSStartNumberSource - 0 = generic (default), 1 = epoch, 2 = datetime, start the playlist sequence number (#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE) according to the specified source
- StartNumber - 0 = default, start the playlist sequence number (#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE) from the specified number when hls_start_number_source value is generic
- HLSAllowCache - -1 = default, explicitly set whether the client MAY (1) or MUST NOT (0) cache media segments
- HLSBaseUrl - append baseurl to every entry in the playlist, useful to generate playlists with absolute paths
- HLSSegmentFilename - set the segment filename, unless hls_flags single_file is set, the filename is used as a string format with the segment number
- FormatTimeAsString - use strftime() syntax on filename, set second_level_segment_index and use %%d for the segment number
- FormatTimeAsStringMakeDir - together with FormatTimeAsString also create all subdirectories
- HLSKeyInfoFile - use the information in key_info_file for segment encryption
- HLSEnc - 1 = enable, 0 = disable the AES128 encryption
- HLSEncKey - hex-coded 16byte key to encrypt the segments, by default it is randomly generated
- HLSEncKeyUrl - if set, keyurl is prepended instead of baseurl to the key filename in the playlist
- HLSEncIV - hex-coded 16byte initialization vector for every segment instead of the autogenerated ones
- HLSSegmentType - 0 = mpegts (default), 1 = fMP4, fMP4 files may be used in HLS version 7 and above
- HLSFMP4InitFilename - init.mp4 = default, set filename to the fragment files header file
- HLSSingleFile - 0 = default, 1 = muxer will store all segments in a single file
- DeleteSegments - 0 = default, 1 = segment files removed from the playlist are deleted after a period of time
- AppendList - 0 = default, 1 = append new segments into the end of old segment list, and remove the #EXT-X-ENDLIST from the old segment list
- RoundDurations - 0 = default, 1 = round the duration info in the playlist file segment info to integer values, instead of using floating point
- DiscontStart - 0 = default, 1 = add the #EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag to the playlist, before the first segment's information
- OmitEndlist - 0 = default, 1 = do not append the EXT-X-ENDLIST tag at the end of the playlist
- PeriodicRekey - 0 = default, 1 = the file specified by hls_key_info_file will be checked periodically and detect updates to the encryption info
- IndependentSegments - 0 = default, 1 = add the #EXT-X-INDEPENDENT-SEGMENTS to playlists that has video segments
- SplitByTime - 0 = default, 1 = allow segments to start on frames other than keyframes (not recommended)
- ProgramDateTime - 0 = default, 1 = generate EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME tags
- SecondLevelSegmentIndex - 0 = default, 1 = allow segment indexes as %%d in hls_segment_filename expressions, use %%0xd for fixed widths
- SecondLevelSegmentSize - 0 = default, 1 = allow segment sizes (counted in bytes) as %%s in hls_segment_filename expression, use %%0xs for fixed widths
- SecondLevelSegmentDuration - 0 = default, 1 = allow segment duration (calculated in microseconds) as %%t in hls_segment_filename expression, use %%0xt for fixed widths
- TempFile - 0 = default, 1 = write segment data to filename.tmp and rename to filename only once the segment is complete
- HLSPlaylistType - 0 = default, 1 = emit #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT in the m3u8 header, 2 = emit #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:VOD in the m3u8 header
- Method - use the given HTTP method to create the hls files
- HTTPUserAgent - override User-Agent field in HTTP header, applicable only for HTTP output
- HLSVarStreamMap - map string which specifies how to group the audio, video and subtitle streams into different variant streams (e.g. "a:0,v:0 a:1,v:1 ....")
- CCStreamMap - map string which specifies different closed captions groups and their attributes (not implemented yet)
- MasterPlaylistPublishRate - 0 = default, >= 1 publish master play list repeatedly every after specified number of segment intervals
- HTTPPersistent - 0 = default, 1 = use persistent HTTP connections, applicable only for HTTP output
- Timeout - 0 = default, >= 1 set timeout for socket I/O operations, applicable only for HTTP output
- IgnoreIOErrors - 0 = default, 1 = ignore IO errors during open, write and delete, useful for long-duration runs with network output
- DisableMasterPlaylist - 0 = default, 1 = no not generate a master playlist
Defines parameters of DASH streaming.
- SegDuration - set the segment length in seconds
- FragDuration - set the length in seconds of fragments within segments
- FragType - set the type of interval for fragmentation, -1 = default, 0 = none, 1 = every_frame, 2 = duration, 3 = pframes
- WindowSize - set the maximum number of segments kept in the manifest
- ExtraWindowSize - set the maximum number of segments kept outside of the manifest before removing from disk
- RemoveAtExit - 0 = disable, 1 = enable, removal of all segments when finished
- UseTemplate - 0 = disable, 1 = enable, use of SegmentTemplate instead of SegmentList
- UseTimeline - 0 = disable, 1 = enable, use of SegmentTimeline in SegmentTemplate
- SingleFile - 0 = disable, 1 = enable, storing all segments in one file, accessed using byte ranges
- SingleFilename - DASH-templated name to be used for baseURL. Implies single_file set to "1". In the template, "$ext$" is replaced with the file name extension specific for the segment format
- InitSegName - DASH-templated name to used for the initialization segment. Default is "init-stream$RepresentationID$.$ext$". "$ext$" is replaced with the file name extension specific for the segment format
- MediaSegName - DASH-templated name to used for the media segments. Default is "chunk-stream$RepresentationID$-$Number%05d$.$ext$". "$ext$" is replaced with the file name extension specific for the segment format
- UTCTimingURL - URL of the page that will return the UTC timestamp in ISO format. Example: ""
- Method - use the given HTTP method to create output files. Generally set to PUT or POST
- HttpUserAgent - override User-Agent field in HTTP header. Applicable only for HTTP output
- HttpPersistent - use persistent HTTP connections. Applicable only for HTTP output
- HLSPlaylist - generate HLS playlist files as well. The master playlist is generated with the filename hls_master_name. One media playlist file is generated for each stream with filenames media_0.m3u8, media_1.m3u8, etc
- HLSMasterName - HLS master playlist name. Default is "master.m3u8"
- Streaming - enable = chunk streaming mode of output. In chunk streaming mode, each frame will be a moof fragment which forms a chunk
- AdaptationSets - assign streams to AdaptationSets. Syntax is "id=x,streams=a,b,c id=y,streams=d,e" with x and y being the IDs of the adaptation sets and a,b,c,d and e are the indices of the mapped streams To map all video (or audio) streams to an AdaptationSet, "v" (or "a") can be used as stream identifier instead of IDs When no assignment is defined, this defaults to an AdaptationSet for each stream
- Timeout - -1 = default, set timeout for socket I/O operations. Applicable only for HTTP output
- IndexCorrection - enable = segment index correction logic. Applicable only when use_template is enabled and use_timeline is disabled
- FormatOptions - set container format (mp4/webm) options using a : separated list of key=value parameters. Values containing: special characters must be escaped
- GlobalSidx - enable = Write global SIDX atom. Applicable only for a single file, mp4 output, non-streaming mode
- DashSegmentType - 'auto' = the dash segment files format will be selected based on the stream codec. This is the default mode 'mp4' = the dash segment files will be in ISOBMFF format 'webm' = the dash segment files will be in WebM format
- IgnoreIOErrors - ignore IO errors during open and write. Useful for long-duration runs with network output
- LHLS - enable low-latency for HLS(LHLS)
- LDASH - enable Low-latency Dash by constraining the presence and values of some elements
- MasterM3U8PublishRate - publish master playlist repeatedly every after a specified number of segment intervals
- WritePrft - 1 = write Producer Reference Time elements on supported streams. This also enables writing prft boxes in the underlying muxer. Applicable only when the utc_url option is enabled. It's set to auto by default, in which case the muxer will attempt to enable it only in modes that require it
- MPDProfile - set one or more manifest profiles separated by semicolons, e.g. 'dash', 'dvb_dash'
- HttpOpts - a separated list of key=value options to pass to the underlying HTTP protocol. Applicable only for HTTP output
- TargetLatency - set an intended target latency in seconds (fractional value can be set) for serving. Applicable only when streaming and write_prft options are enabled. This is an informative fields clients can use to measure the latency of the service
- MinPlaybackRate - set the minimum playback rate indicated as appropriate for the purposes of automatically adjusting playback latency and buffer occupancy during normal playback by clients
- MaxPlaybackRate - set the maximum playback rate indicated as appropriate for the purposes of automatically adjusting playback latency and buffer occupancy during normal playback by clients
- UpdatePeriod - set the mpd update period ,for dynamic content. The unit is second
Defines parameters of DV video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=DV for VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- VideoCodecID - 1 = nablet DV encoder
- VideoType - Video Type
Possible values:-
- 0 - Auto
- 1 - DV25
- 2 - DVCPRO25
- 3 - DVCPRO50
- SingleThread - Treading mode
Possible values:-
- 1 - Single Thread
- 0 - Multithread
Defines parameters of PNG video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=PNG for VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- EnableAlphaChannel - Enable alpha channel
Possible values:-
- 1 - Enabled
- 0 - Disabled
- Enable16Bit - Enable 16bit
Possible values:-
- 1 - Enabled
- 0 - Disabled
Defines parameters of JPEG video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=JPEG for VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- VideoCodecID - 1 = nablet JPEG encoder
- Quality - 1..100 JPEG encoding quality in percent, default = 75
Defines parameters of RAW video encoding. To use the settings, you should have Codec=RAW for VideoEncoderSettings specified.
- FourCC - use a valid FOURCC code e.g. I420, YUY2, W210 etc.
Defines parameters of a container.
- VideoIDs - use these video streams for muxing (use all video streams when not set)
- AudioIDs - use these audio streams for muxing (use all audio streams when not set)
- MuxerType - Container
Possible values:-
- 0 - Auto-detect
- 1 - MP4
- 3 - TS
- 4 - MXF
- 5 - AVI
- 7 - MOV
- KeepFirstStartTimeCode - Keep first timecode
Possible values:-
- 0 - disabled
- 1 - enabled
- SplitSize - split size for output file in milliseconds, (0 == don't split) when this setting is enabled the 'StartTimeCode' settings are ignored
Defines parameters of MP4 container.
Possible values:-
- 0 - disabled
- 1 - enabled
- Fragmented - File Type
Possible values:-
- 0 - Standard
- 1 - Fragmented
- EnableSegmentIndex - Segmented Index
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - Enable
- VideoSequenceLength - 0 = default (== 50 GOPs for video/audio streams)
- AudioSequenceLength - 0 = default (== 50 seconds for audio only streams)
Defines parameters of AVI container.
- ReserveIndexSpace - 0 = default (or guess), reserve space for the OpenDML master index, use 16 bytes per GB (estimated) filesize
- WriteChannelMask - 0 = disable, 1 = enable (default), write the audio channel mask if available
Defines parameters of MXF container.
- AFD - -1 = auto, 0 = default/unknown, values 1..15 = active format descriptor (SMPTE 2016-1)
- MuxingMode - Mode
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - AFN.100
- 2 - Sony XDCAM IMX(RRD3 / SMPTE 386M)
- 3 - Sony XDCAM HD(RRD9)
- 4 - Generic Op1a
- 5 - ARD-ZDF HDF01(XDCAM HD 422 1080i/25)
- 6 - ARD-ZDF HDF02(AVC-I 100 1080i/25)
- 7 - ARD-ZDF HDF03(AVC-I 100 720p/50)
- 10 - DNxHD
- 11 - AS11HD
- 12 - ARD-ZDF SDF01(D-10 576i/25 and one 8-channel AES3 audio track)
- 13 - ARD-ZDF SDF02(DVCPRO 50 576i/25 and 8 mono AES3 audio tracks)
- 14 - IMF
- 15 - RDD25
- 16 - Panasonic Op1b AVC-Ultra
- 17 - RDD44
- UpdateHeader - Update Header
Possible values:-
- 0 - Update
- 1 - Don't update
- Flags - one or more of the flags below(use a hex/decimal value).
The flags:-
- CDCIForAVC (0x0001) - use CDCI descriptor + AVC subdesc for AVC stream instead MPEG2 descriptor
- MetadataInFooter (0x0002) - forces copying header metadata to footer. Helpful when output file streams
- KeepHeaderIncomplete (0x0004) - mark header 'incomplete' during file growing.
- KeepHeaderOpen (0x0008) - mark header 'open' during file growing.
- DoNotFinalyzeHeader (0x0020) - can be used together with 'KeepHeaderIncomplete' - header will not be updated even at muxing complete
- WaveForPCM (0x0040) - mux PCM audio as BWF/Wave descriptor (default is AES382 wrapping)
- J2K_ST422 (0x0080) - When specified the muxer processes J2K by SMPTE ST 422:2014 specifications (P1 mode for progressive, I1 mode for interlaced) else legacy 'FU' mode will be used (the main difference is using 'old' essence UL)
- J2K_I2_Mode (0x0100) - When specified the muxer process interlaced J2K stream at I2 mode (2 fields in FLV) of SMPTE ST 422:2014 else legacy 'FU' mode will be used (or I1/P2 if MXF_MUX_FLAG_J2K_ST422 was set). Do not set this flag if a video is progressive.
- IndexesInFooter (0x0400) - collect all index segments into footer
- ApplyUserDuration (0x0800) - when set, the muxer will generate an index table that matches the maximum (estimated) duration
- LowDelay (0x1000) - reduces muxing queue from 4 frames to 1. Can be dangerous for VBE and especially AVC long GOP streams
- DoNotFinalyzeBodies (0x2000) - do not finalyze only body partitions by footer offset writing
- Force377M_2004 (0x4000) - use ST 377M-1:2004 (i.e. preface version 1.2). Default uses ST 377-1:2011
- UserDuration - 1080000 = default, maximum (estimated) duration in edit units (frames => 1080000 = 10h * 30fps), s.a 'ApplyUserDuration' flag)
- DropTimeCode - Drop-frame Timecode
Possible values:-
- -1 - Auto
- 1 - Enable
- 0 - Disable
- StartTimeCode - start time code in frames
- CompanyName - company name (optional)
- ProductName - product name (optional)
Defines parameters of TS container.
- ProfileID - Profile
Possible values:-
- MPEG1 - generic ISO/IEC 11172-1/2 MPEG-1 VideoCD
- VCD - generic ISO/IEC 13818-1/2 MPEG-2 SuperVCD
- MPEG2 - MPEG-2 DVD-Video
- SVCD - generic MPEG-2 transport stream
- DVD - PAT and PMT only
- TS - DVB
- ATSC - MPEG-2 ATSC Terrestrial
- ATSCHI - MPEG-2 ATSC Terrestrial (high data rate)
- DVD_MPEG1 - MPEG-1 DVD-Video
- CABLELABS - CableLabs MPEG-2 MP @ ML (3.18MBit) or MP @ HL (18.1MBit)
- BD - Blu Ray Disc
- BD_HDMV - Blu Ray Disc (Main Video)
- 1SEG - SegOne profile
- ATT - AT&T specs based on the generic ISO 13818-1 TS
- CABLELABS_HD1 - CableLabs MPEG-2 MP @ HL 1280x720 (15MBit)
- CABLELABS_HD2 - CableLabs MPEG-2 MP @ HL 1920x1080 (15MBit)
- ATSC_C - MPEG-2 ATSC Cable
- MuxRateKbps - mux rate in kbits/s, 0 = calculated
- VBRMultiplex - VBR Multiplexing
Possible values:-
- 0 - CBR
- 1 - VBR
- InitialDelay - the initial delay(in ms) between the first PCR/SCR and the lowest DTS/PTS
- MaxPCRInterval - the maximum interval length between two PCR values
- LowDelay - Low delay mode
Possible values:-
- 0 - Disable
- 1 - Enable
- ProgramID - 0 = default
- ServiceName - service name (DVB)
- ServiceProvider - service provider (DVB)
Defines parameters of a TS container using FFmpeg.
- ServiceName - service name (DVB)
- ServiceProvider - service provider(DVB)
- MuxRate - default = 0, 1 = VBR, N > 1 = constant bitrate
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - VBR
- 2 - CBR
- Strftime - default = 0, 1 = set filename expansion with strftime at segment creation
Defines parameters of MOV container using FFmpeg.
- MOOVSize - 0 = default, reserves space for the moov atom at the beginning of the file instead of placing the moov atom at the end
- FragDuration - creates fragments that are 'duration' milliseconds long
- FragSize - create fragments that contain up to size 'bytes' of payload data
- MinFragDuration - don't create fragments that are shorter than 'duration' microseconds long
- WriteTmcd - Write Timecode
Possible values:-
- 0 - Default
- 1 - Force timecode
- WritePrft - write producer time reference box (PRFT) with a specified time source for the NTP field in the PRFT box, set value 'wallclock' to specify time source as wallclock time and 'pts' to specify time source as input packets' PTS values
- MovieTimescale - 1000 = default, set the timescale written in the movie header box (mvhd), the range is 1 to INT_MAX
- MOVFlags - set output format flags for MOV/MP4/ISMV muxer separated by the '+' character.
The following flags are supported:-
- 'frag_keyframe' - start a new fragment at each video keyframe
- 'empty_moov' - write an initial moov atom directly at the start of the file, without describing any samples in it
- 'separate_moof' - write a separate moof (movie fragment) atom for each track 'skip_sidx': skip writing of sidx atom
- 'faststart' - run a second pass moving the index (moov atom) to the beginning of the file
- 'rtphint' - add RTP hinting tracks to the output file
- 'disable_chpl' - disable Nero chapter markers (chpl atom)
- 'omit_tfhd_offset' - do not write any absolute base_data_offset in tfhd atoms
- 'default_base_moof' - similarly to the omit_tfhd_offset, this flag avoids writing the absolute base_data_offset field in tfhd atoms but does so by using the new default-base-is-moof flag instead
- 'negative_cts_offsets' - enables utilization of version 1 of the CTTS box, in which the CTS offsets can be negative
- Strftime - default = 0, 1 = set filename expansion with strftime at segment creation
Defines parameters of network streaming.
- OutgoingInterface - binding interface address(IP4 or IPv6)
- DestinationAddress - destination address(IP4 or IPv6)
- OutputProtocol - output protocol RTP, UDP, RTMP, TCP, HLS, SSF or None
- TransportType - transport type 'TS' (MPEG-2 Transport Stream) 'FMP4' (Fragmented MP4) or 'ES' (elementary streams)
- OutputPort - destination output port
- InitialSourcePort - starting source port for RTP streams
- TTL - Time-To-Live (set '-1' for default)
- MTU - Maximum Transfer Unit(set '-1' for default)
- BurstnessValue - burstness value in ms(default = 0ms)
- UseRCTP - enables the RTP Control Protocol
- SendSAPAnnouncements - enable for sending SAP announcements
- MulticastGroup - SAP Multicast Group(e.g.SAP/SDP Multicast group '')
- CreatorName - (optional)
- SessionName - (optional)
- SessionInfo - (optional)
- Email - (optional)
- PhoneNumber - (optional)
- URI - (optional)
- RootDirectory - (optional)uses current directory als default root for HLS
- StreamingDirectory - (optional)
- LocalMasterFilename - (optional)name of local master playlist filename, default is 'local_master.m3u8'
- CloudMasterFilename - (optional)name of cloud master playlist filename, default is 'cloud_master.m3u8'
- LocalPlaylistFilename - (optional)name of local playlist filename, default is 'playlist_local.m3u8'
- CloudPlayListFilename - (optional)name of cloud playlist filename, default is ''
- OutputPrefix - (optional)e.g. 'stream200k' default is empty
- SegmentDuration - segment duration in seconds, default is 10 secs
- MaxSegments - maximum count of segments, 0 = no limit(e.g. for non-streaming), default = 2
- CreateSecondPlaylist - (optional) if enabled cloud playlist will be generated
- DisableHTTPServer - disables live streaming and HTTP server => use it for segmentation file generation
- SSFLiveMode - enable for Live Smooth Streaming
- SSFStreamPrefix - filename prefix for every stream(e.g Stream0.ismv Stream1.isma, ...) (optional)
- SSFDestinationPath - destination path in VOD mode, can be folder(with '/' at the end) or folder + prefix
- SSFPublishingPoint - DEPRECATED (use URL) publishing point for live mode
Defines parameters of the result.
- MuxerIDs - use this muxer for output (use first muxer when not set)
- VideoIDs - use this video stream for output (single elementary/pass-thru stream)
- AudioIDs - use this audio stream for output (single elementary/pass-thru stream)