There are multiple options available for MediaEngine. Some options define the encoding behavior, but it is recommended to use presets for this.
In this article, we cover options that don't directly affect the transcoding process except for the static image overlay option which also can be defined in presets but sometimes is handy to add an overlay to an existing preset configuration without modifying the preset.
print version number
-license_key <path>
import license key form file
use hardware acceleration
do not use hardware acceleration
use system memory for hardware acceleration
-async <depth>
set pipeline async depth (Intel Quick Sync only)
use FFmpeg for muxing MP4 instead of nablet MP4 muxer
use FFmpeg for muxing MPEG-2 TS instead of nablet TS muxer
use D3D9 memory for hardware acceleration for Windows only
use D3D11 memory for hardware acceleration for Windows only
-nic <addr>
use input network adapter address
use SRT passive mode
-outnic <addr>
use output network adapter address (override 'OutgoingInterface' in network settings)
-nwto <ms>
network opening timeout in ms
-nwsl <ms>
network signal loss timeout in ms
-srtto <ms>
SRT connect timeout in ms
-ndito <ms>
NDI find timeout in ms
-rdto <secs>
read timeout in seconds for growing files (10s = default)
disables video encoding
disables audio encoding
remove missing source streams in configuration
enables the 'edit mode' which enables seeking and duration calculations in the recorded files
-from <pos>[ms]
set start position in frames (set just integer) or in milliseconds (specify "ms")
-to <pos>[ms]
set end position in frames (set just integer) or in milliseconds (specify "ms")
-map [v|a]<in>:<out>
map video/audio streams to SourceId's in presets
n-th video elementary stream output filename
n-th audio elementary stream output filename
loop transcoding until interrupted
do not output information about the transcoding process while it's running (silent mode)
just output activity dots every second while transcoding. No statistics, just dots indicating that progress is running (.....)
-con <col>,<lines>
sets console's window size in columns and lines
do not use ANSI escape sequences for formatting the output
waits for a key pressed at the end of execution
output results to stdout
-json-stats <filename>
output stats to file in JSON format
JSON stats update time in ms (default = 500ms)
-loudness <filename>
output loudness stats to file for every audio source (use '{n}' for the source id)
loudness output update time in ms (default = 400ms)
-stdout <filename>
save the standard output to file
-stderr <filename>
save standard error output to file, use '-' as the filename for stdout