SmartRenderer comes with a nbsr.exe command-line tool.
There are 2 ways to use it.
Set source fragments directly
nbsr.exe -d <dest_mxf> -i <src_mxf <timecode_begin> <timecode_end>>
[-i [[src_mxf] <timecode_begin> <timecode_end>] ] [-rt <read_timeout>]
[-lf <license_file>][-at][-ot]
- i – an input fragment. It consists of
- src_mxf – a path to a source file
- timecode_begin – a timecode of an in-point of a fragment
- timecode_end – a timecode of an out-point of a fragment
You can use multiple groups of “src_mxf timecode_begin timecode_end” parameters to process many files as a single sequence.
- d – a path to a resulting file.
- rt – a timeout in milliseconds to initialize each of the fragments. If the timeout expires, SmartRenderer returns an error.
- lf – a path to a license file
- at – use source timecode as values, so you should use the timecode of the source files as values. For example, if a start timecode of a file is 10:00:00:00, you should use the timecode based on that value for the segments. If not set, a zero-based timecode is used, so you should use 00:00:00:00 as a base for positions.
- ot – use the original timecode from each segment. In this case, timecode discontinuity can be present in the resulting file.
- nosr – use a remux-only mode by keyframes. In this case, no smart rendering algorithms are used.
nbsr.exe -i d:\SourceFile_1.mxf 00:01:02:03 00:02:03:04 -d d:\SmartRendererOutput.mxf
Use EDL files
nbsr.exe -e <edl_file> -d <dest_mxf> [-rt <read_timeout>] [-lf <license_file> ][-at]
- e – a path to an EDL file. The file format is described below.
- d – a path to a resulting file.
- rt – a timeout in milliseconds to initialize each of the fragments. If the timeout expires, SmartRenderer returns an error.
- lf – a path to a license file
- at – use source timecode as values, so you should use the timecode of the source files as values. For example, if a start timecode of a file is 10:00:00:00, you should use the timecode based on that value for the segments. If not set, a zero-based timecode is used, so you should use 00:00:00:00 as a base for positions.
- nosr – use a remux-only mode by keyframes. In this case, no smart rendering algorithms are used.
nbsr.exe -e d:\TestSequence.edl -d d:\SmartRendererOutput.mxf
EDL File Format
EDL is a plain text file that forms a list of chunks that should be processed by SmartRenderer.
Here is an example of its content:
0001 SRC AA/V C 00:01:12:23 00:01:23:08 00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00
* FROM CLIP NAME: d:\SourceFile_1.mxf
0002 SRC AA/V C 00:04:00:00 00:04:01:00 00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00
* FROM CLIP NAME: d:\SourceFile_2.mxf
The required parts of the file are:
- TITLE – a title of a sequence
- FCM – sets whether the frame rate is drop-frame or non-drop frame
- Sequence element that contains the following elements:
%INDEX% SRC AA/V C %START_TIMECODE% %STOP_TIMECODE% 00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00
* FROM CLIP NAME: %PATH_TO_FILE%- INDEX – sets an index of the element in the sequence, for example, 0001;
- SRC AA/V C – a mandatory part that indicates that a source is of audio-video content;
- START_TIMECODE – timecode of an in-point of the file. For example, 00:01:02:03. For drop-frame timecode, use ‘;’ as a delimiter for frames.
- STOP_TIMECODE – timecode of an out-point of a file. For example, 00:02:03:04. For drop-frame timecode, use ‘;’ as a delimiter for frames.
- 00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00 – required for a common EDL file format, but these values are ignored by Smart Renderer.
- PATH_TO_FILE – sets a path to a source file.
You can use multiple elements in a single sequence using different files or using different fragments of a single file.